Welcome to PRIVATE STOCK. Traffic was formed in 1967 by four talented musicians from Birmingham, England.
Steve Winwood- organ, guitar, piano, bass, harpsichord and vocals.
Jim Capaldi- drums, percussion and vocals.
Chris Wood- flute, saxophone, organ, percussion, and vocals.
Dave Mason- guitar, mellotron, sitar, harmonica and vocals.
Traffic music have "something special". The way they wrote and performed, they were making music, they all could play different instruments, in the beginning it was a psychedelic sound. Check out from those early days in 1968 this performance in the Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's "Goodbye Again" TV show, the song is "40 000 Headmen"
In 1969 the band breakup for a little bit and Steve Winwood with Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker and Rick Greck formed Blind Faith. They released one album (excellent) tour once and breakup, here is a sample of that super group this is "Can't Find My Way Home" from 1969.
From the beginning they had problems with Dave Mason specially Steve Winwood. By 1970 the band reunited without Dave Mason and released "Jhon Barleycorn must die" definitely a successful album.
The band is more mature and from their psychedelic early sound they now incorporated jazz, folk and progressive rock. From 1972 lets check out "John Barleycorn".
Traffic has been always one of my favorite bands, they didn't have a long life mainly because of problems between Dave Mason and the rest of them but Steve Winwood more than the others and I feel that they did need him he was an excellent songwriter but they couldn't get along and that's way they formed in 1967 and breakup in 1974 for good. In this period of time they released these albums:
Mr. Fantasy- 1967.
Traffic- 1968.
Last Exit- 1969.
John Barleycorn Must Die- 1970.
The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys- 1971.
Welcome to the Canteen- 1971.
Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory- 1973.
On the Road- 1973.
When the Eagle Flies- 1974
All of these albums are really good and could be a great addition to anyone collection. Enjoy the music that's all for now and to end this edition of PRIVATE STOCK here is live from 1972 "Dear Mr. Fantasy".
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